George Fox Was a Racist

How do Fox’s writings on slavery impact Quakers today?

Johanna Jackson and Naveed Moeed

Quakers Fast for Peace in Gaza and Israel

Quakers for Peace in Palestine and Israel, a group of at least 17 Friends from the United States, Ireland, and…

George Fox at 400

Introduction to our June/July issue.

The Radical Original Vision of George Fox

Reintegrating the radical insights and practices of the first Quakers.

The True Last Supper

George Fox’s mystical feast of love.

The Egalitarian Partnership with Margaret Fell Fox

Strong female leadership in the early days of Quakerism.

George Fox Was a Racist

How do Fox’s writings on slavery impact Quakers today?

George Fox and the Bible

Reconciling and transcending some of our differences toward the Bible.

Fox at 400

Reflections from Friends around the world.

A Life Steeped in the Quaker Way

Reflections on the example of George Fox.

His Work Is Alive in Africa

A tribute to George Fox.

From Dorothea to Me

George Fox’s Enduring Influence.

A Query for Friend Fox

Did you ever laugh with joy, Friend, / at the beauty of God’s world, / the sheer extravaganza of it?

Where Mothers Hung the Clothes

On a fall afternoon in my warm kitchen, I bake a frittata. / Fried onions, red potatoes, cream, cheddar, eggs

Watering the Crops

Tomatoes big as breasts, he brags, / raised in topsoil dung and peat.

Forum, June/July 2024

Letters from our readers.

Behind the Cover Art

The artist talks about this issue’s cover painting.

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  • Roberta Llewellyn on George Fox Was a Racist

    I wish to acknowledge the remarkable research done by Johanna Jackson and Noveed Moeed in their…

  • Johanna Jackson on George Fox Was a Racist

    Yes. In Barbados, Quakers were building up wealth by stealing other people’s labor and harming their…

  • John McCarthy on George Fox Was a Racist

    Thank you for this enlightening essay. Well done. It seems to me as an archaeologist and…

  • George Gore on The True Last Supper

    Fox is correct to emphasize a marriage supper with God as the first priority. However, we…

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