Marie DuBois Clark

ClarkMarie DuBois Clark, 92, on August 10, 2014. Marie was born on December 10, 1921, in upstate New York. She met her future husband, Robert Clark, at Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) Meeting. She and Bob moved to Ashland, Va., in the early 1940s, and Marie became a member of Richmond (Va.) Meeting in 1941. She and Bob were one of the couples who offered their home on the outskirts of Richmond as security for the purchase of the current meetinghouse.

Marie was a woman of many talents and tireless energy. She and Bob planted a garden and maintained the yard and area of their large homestead. It was not uncommon to see her chopping wood for the wood stove that warmed their home or riding the lawn mower. She was enthusiastic and enjoyed traveling with Bob in their camping trailer. They drove to Alaska several times and visited many other places around the United States and Canada. Volunteering at the Hanover County Extension Service and at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, she became a Master Gardener. She also volunteered at the Virginia State Fair in the arts and crafts area and knitted many articles of clothing for family, friends, and the Red Cross Ray of Hope.

Robert Clark, Marie’s husband of 63 years, died in 2009. She is survived by three sons, George R. Clark (Judy), Donald A. Clark (Alyene), and David W. Clark (Mary Ann); five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.

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