To Our Friends


If you’re reading this, you’re one of about 15,000 people who follow Friends Journal and QuakerSpeak on Facebook. This message is for you.

Over the last few years, Facebook has become an incredibly rich and powerful platform, allowing us to bring stories of Quaker experience — in text, audio, and video — to literally hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

This week, we’re turning to you, to ask you to make a financial contribution to help us continue our efforts online. Your giving will enable us to continue sharing free, high-quality content that reflects the diversity and vitality of Quaker experience. Your support will empower our award-winning print and online magazine and video channel. Your philanthropy will help illuminate the Quaker way.

There’s power in numbers. If every person reading this message donates $13 by June 30, Friends Journal and QuakerSpeak will break even for the year. (If everyone chips in $67, we’ll make our budget for 2018 twelve months early!)

Can you help?

Every dollar of support we receive goes directly into enhancing and expanding our mission: finding and sharing stories that illuminate Quaker experience. For Friends. For the world. Thank you for considering a gift. And if you’re already supporting this work, you know how good it feels to see the Quaker message spread thanks in part to your contributions. An extra thanks to you.

There is that of God in every person. Our stories are how we learn and discern Spirit’s call for Friends. Thanks for your help in sharing these stories.