Quaker Voluntary Service

The tenth cohort of young adult Fellows started the Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) program this summer. These 33 young adults are living in one of five program cities: Atlanta, Ga.; Boston, Mass.; Minneapolis–Saint Paul, Minn.; Philadelphia, Pa.; and Portland, Ore. Fellows work at local social change organizations, live in intentional community with one another, and consider how Quaker faith and practice is embedded in their lives.

In February, QVS hired its first alumni coordinator to engage the more than 230 (and growing) community of young adult alumni. This position added capacity to allow QVS to better support the ministry and vocational discernment of young adults even beyond the QVS fellowship year. The “Alumni” and “Quaker Service Testimonies” categories on the QVS blog share the impact of a QVS year and where alumni find themselves today.


Learn more: Quaker Voluntary Service

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