Writing Opp: Race and Antiracism

Fast Facts:

Extended deadline: Nov. 2, 2020

The history of Friends and race is a very complicated one. We’re known for our early abolitionist efforts but before that many Quakers built great fortunes trading and exploiting slaves. We were friendly to Native Americans and yet much of early American Quaker wealth was built from land that had been Indigenous only a generation beforehand.

This issue is open to the high- and low-lights of Friends’ work on race issue but we’d also like to know where we’re going—or where we could go together as a religious society working on antiracism. What approaches should we take? What potential pitfalls await? What parts of Quaker culture are essential to our identity and what might be affectations of a dominant White, middle-class group?

Submit a piece for our issue: Race and Antiracism

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